Linux track memory usage
Linux track memory usage

linux track memory usage

So when I run this command: ~]# ps aux | awk '' My understanding of the ps results, is that the 6th column (RSS), represents the size in kilobytes the process uses for memory. So assuming all of that is correct, the part that throws me is the results of ps aux. So if I understand correctly, the "actual" usage is supposed to be the "used" value of "-/+ buffers/cache", or 561 in this case.

linux track memory usage

Additionally, various buffers are stored in RAM, indicated in the "buffers" column. I believe this is indicated by the "cached" columns. My understanding of how Linux manages memory, is that it will store disk usage in RAM, so that each subsequent access is quicker. On my server, this is the result of free -m ~]# free -m I'm a bit confused on some of the results I am seeing from ps and free.

Linux track memory usage